I really don't understand why people are criticized for everything they do. I was waiting outside for my Political Science class to start this morning, where I heard two students talking about what was on the front page of the Pine Log today. One of them was Adam Key, and the other was a member of Young Democrats. The front page article was written by our editor, and it was about students who give their pets to local animal shelters at the end of the semester because they have no other place to put them after they are done with school for the semester. There were pictures of cute little puppies in the shelter on the front page, and another little article below it about volunteer opportunities at shelters to go along with it.
Anyways, these two guys were complaining because the front page story was about puppies. Well you know what, guys? It's her paper and she can put whatever the hell she wants in there. She spent time going out and talking to numerous people in the city to get information for the articles, and it's obviously something she is passionate about.
It seems like people who criticize the Pine Log, or the media around here in general, expect there to be some big ordeal every issue. It's a college paper, not the NY Times. I've looked at other papers published by the College Publisher Network online, the likes of which include Brown University, Occidental, and even Harvard Law, and the writing is generally the same in each paper. It doesn't matter what school you are at; the thing that matters is the effort put into the publication, and the work done by the staff. I get really annoyed by people I know at other schools, namely UT, that think that just because they go to a huge university their work and papers are better. I'm sorry, but I really think UT's image is puffed up. Sure, it is a good school, and I'm sure the professors are great and offer many good opportunities. But I've been put down by friends that I have there because they think that SFA isn't a good school. Well, I think I've proved everyone wrong, because it really doesn't matter what school you are at. The programs are generally the same everywhere, and everyone learns the same information. It doesn't matter what school you are at, it matters what effort you put into your time in college.
Going back to my earlier point, everyone is criticized for whatever they do. The minute you start doing something, you will be criticized for it. However, at least the people being criticized are actually doing something, as opposed to those who are just being overly annoying and protesting everything.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good protest, but only when those protesting are actually trying to accomplish something, and go about it in a productive way.
Anyways, I just think that people need to be more aware of their actions and criticisms.
That criticism was worthless. And, no offense, SFA is a small school. There's just not that much hard news out there, and I appreciate your editor for coming up with something instead of not having a paper at all. That being said, UT probably has the best college paper in Texas, if not the U.S. But I still love and admire all other daily college papers. It's hard work, and I appreciate it.
I liked that article!!! I think it's really cruel to get a puppy and then just not care what happens to it. Even if it's a full grown dog, or a cat, or a fish. you know me I love my fish alot!!!!! I would never leave my fish with anyone!
wait, my criticism was worthless, or their's was? yeah i'm def. not saying UT isn't a good school, i know they have a really good journalism program, it just really annoys me when people who go there talk down to me because they think they're better.
yeah i know, she did a good job on it... and like it had to do with spring break since she was trying to make the point that students just give their pets to the shelter over spring break because they have nowhere else to put them. yeah like we live in a small town in east texas, so obviously we aren't going to have major stuff going on all the time...
unless I'm there and then I'm in the pine log like every other day
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