Friday, September 26, 2008

Hello World.

Thank God the weekend is here. Even if it will probably be uneventful for the most part. I've really effed up my sleep schedule lately. I haven't been able to fall asleep before 3 a.m. for the last few nights. Which can be a problem when you have class at 9:30 in the a.m. I went to three classes today, and just couldn't bring myself to go to my last class at 2:00. I know I have no excuse to skip a class at 2 in the afternoon, but it's so boring and cold in there, and I just needed some time to chill out by myself.
Then I went to my Pine Log meeting, and grabbed some dindin. Then Allison and I saw Wanted, which turned out to suckkkkkk. I was freaking glad that everybody died in the end, they bugged the crap out of me. The movie was good in the beginning, but the twist was probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Anyways, now I'm just doing some laundry and preparing for my day at the pool tomorrow. I swear, nobody does laundry in this dorm. Everyone else I know complains because they have to do laundry at weird times in order to find a free washer. Well everytime I have done laundry this year there has been no one else in the laundry room. Weirdness....
I'm going home for the first time this semester next weekend, which should be interesting. I really don't miss "home" at all. Of course I miss my family, but I had my fill of being at home over the summer. So hopefully next weekend will be good. It will be nice to get back to the big city for a couple days. :]

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