Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Viva La Vida

I'm pretty sure Thanksgiving cannot get here any sooner. Hopefully after this weekend time will go by a little faster. This week has been really crazy. Yesterday was an 18 hour day for me. Had to work on a Digital Photography assignment until 1 a.m. last night. And it totally sucks too, which means I will probably have to resubmit it and waste more of my time next week, which really sucks. I need to get an A in that class, because if I don't my Dad will give me crap about it since it *seems* like it should be an easy A. Which it is totally not considering I spend most of my time and effort working on stuff for that class.
Today was an alright day though. Advertising was not too bad today, and then I found out my Interpersonal class got cancelled, which rocked because we were totally supposed to have a test. Then me and Jordan went to go pick up my pictures, and they are opening up a new Chick Fil A in town tomorrow, and the first fifty people are supposed to get free food for a year. So everyone has been joking around saying they are going to camp out in front of the store, and there were totally like a good thirty people in tents outside Chick Fil A waiting for tomorrow! It pretty much made my day. haha. Then I went to work and layed out my page and am pretty excited because I'm running a list of awesome "Halloween" movies. And it took up like 75 percent of my page so it only took me like 45 minutes. But I ended up having to stay in the office until like the normal time anyways because of drama. Oh how I abhor drama. I really think I have had more issues with drama in college than when I was in high school. Which pretty much sucks. Anyways, so next week/weekend I have initiation for GKO. Which will definitely be interesting. And then the weekend after that we have the Twilight themed formal and Kip will be here for a visit, which will pretty much be the best weekend ever!! And then the next weekend is TWILIGHT!!!! I am seriously so excited! Words cannot express! And then Tuesday I get to go home for Thanksgiving Break! I am actually really excited about Thanksgiving for the first time in 19 years. Usually I could care less about Thanksgiving because I just want to hurry up and get to Christmas. But since I've only been home one time this entire semester it really makes me appreciate my family and friends back home. I am very excited for the holiday season. Oh, and just to let you know, I am completely obsessed with the Coldplay album Viva La Vida currently. When it first came out over the summer I hated it, but by the end of the summer I really started to enjoy it. And my love for it has progressed over the past few months and I cannot stop listening to it now. I believe that you can't really appreciate music until you've listened to it for a certain amount of time. Sure, you can automatically like a song when you first hear it, but to truly appreciate the musical genius of an artist, it really takes time for it to sink in. There are only a few albums that I can listen to track-by-track, and now Viva La Vida is a member of the club, because it's just that awesome.

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