Monday, December 29, 2008

Goodbye 2008

So, I've been on break for a little over two weeks now, and exactly what I knew was going to happen finally happened. I'm bored. The first two weeks of break were good, but now I'm so ready to get back to school. Well not the actual school part, but I miss all my friends. I've just been working here and trying to save up some money. That isn't going so well though. Too many cute things to buy. New Years is coming up in a couple days. I will apparantly be spending New Year's Eve with the parental units at home because I'm lame. Oh well. I've spent the last three New Year's Eve's with boys so this will be a nice change. 2009 will be a good year. I feel like there will be lots of changes and growing up to do though. Which excites me. I will be turning 20, and getting closer to finishing college. And hopefully interning somewhere exciting during the summer.

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