Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i heart animal collective

so i'm finally starting to get into merriweather post pavillion. i've never really cared much for this experimental avante garde music like explosions in the sky and all that, but i am really starting to like animal collective. this album is just so weird, but good....interesting. so anyways, i have come to the conclusion that my sleep schedule is screwed. i had my alarm set for 10:30 this morning, and as soon as kanye started blaring i turned the alarm off and slept like a baby for 2 more hours. bad bad bad. bum bum bum. especially when i have 9 a.m. class next week. sigh. and i realized that i have only woken up before 10:30 once this entire break. that is going to kill me next week. but i'm turning over a new leaf so i'm going to have to manage. well today i had fried pickles with diane, and they were amazing. then we grabbed starbucks and said our goodbyes until spring break. then went out to dindin for my sister's birthday. :] four more days!! :)

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