Friday, February 27, 2009

Sick Day

So this weekend was supposed to be basically amazing. But now I'm sick. And won't be able to partake in the amazingness. Sad times for Marie. Last night after the movie I went back to my room and wasn't tired at all. I just hung out until like 2:30 a.m. when I started to feel funny. My throat got all scratchy and I felt like I was running a fever. So I decided I should just go to bed and see what I felt like in the morning. Well, I woke up around 6:00 a.m. feeling like crap. And basically tossed and turned for two hours. Then got up and went to eat some breakfast and went to my 9 a.m. class because his attendance policy is so strict and I've already missed twice. But I definitely skipped my 10 a.m. and just came back to my room and relaxed to wait for my roommate to get out of class so we could go eat lunch. We had Stacy's Deli which was amazing as usual. I definitely still feel bad though. And I don't want to go to the clinic because they will just swab my throat and it will take them three days to get the results back and they'll just give me penicillin which won't do anything. So, I'm just going to hope it's nothing serious, well too serious, and wait it out. I'm watching movies and laying in bed alllll day. Although, I really have work I need to be doing but I don't think that's going to be happening. I am happy that this humid weather is about to end. It's in the 50s in Dallas already, so in a few hours it should be cooler here. Anyways, last night before I started feeling bad was great. Allison came over to pick me up and we got Quizno's and took it back to her apartment so I could finally see it. Then we went back to campus to see Twilight, and omg it was so packed. So many fan girls. lol. And all of us probably saw it 3 times when it was originally in theaters. But it's still good regardless! I've seen it five times. lol. Edward Cullen is just the perfect man. :]

1 comment:

Jordan Lea said...

6 times...oh yes. :) I feel like I need to do something with my life other than obsess over Edward.