Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Your Skin And Bones Turn Into Something Beautiful
So I get to go home in a few more hours!!! I cannot wait to be back in Dallas! So today was a very lazy Monday, and it made me happy. Woke up around 10, and went to go take my Advertising test which I made an 85 on! Then met up with Brandon for lunch, and they didn't have the wrap line open, so we had cereal for lunch, and it was a sad experience. Went back to his room and I just layed there while he packed up his room. Then we went to Butcher Boy's and it was pretty much amazing. We went to Court's concert tonight which was fine. Now I'm just listening to Coldplay at 1:30 in the morning just chilling. Cannot believe this semester is almost over with! It's gone by way too fast. Which is a good and bad thing. :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Never Meant To Cause You Trouble
Life is complicated.
I miss simpler times when everything made sense and I never really had to think about things. But I guess that is part of growing up. It's scary to think about, but everything you do really does affect what happens in life. I just get thinking about things like that every once in awhile and it really starts to mess me up. I just wonder what would have happened if I had done things differently. Like if I had applied myself more back in high school, would I be at SFA right now? I doubt it. Not that I don't love SFA or think it's a bad school, but if I had graduated with a higher class rank I could be at a different school right now blogging about something entirely different and have a completely different group of friends. I can't imagine what life would be like without some of the people I know now. I also wonder if I had gotten better grades last semester and during high school and could actually save money if my parents would be proud of me. I know they say they are always proud of me, but I just feel like a disappointment sometimes. I don't mean to sound like a pity party, but no one reads this anyways so I just need to let out my emotions sometimes. Also, I wish certain people would realize how great they truly are. It's not like they have a case of low self-esteem, it's just....it seems like they don't think they are as awesome as they really are compared to others if that makes any sense at all? I just hate to see people I care about feel that way. I miss times with Diane that were so simple when we could just go to the mall and drink starbucks everyday and buy new shoes. i was just thinking about when we all went to go see The Fray the summer before college and makes me miss all that.
i can't wait for thanksgiving break to just relax and not have to worry about any of this.
I miss simpler times when everything made sense and I never really had to think about things. But I guess that is part of growing up. It's scary to think about, but everything you do really does affect what happens in life. I just get thinking about things like that every once in awhile and it really starts to mess me up. I just wonder what would have happened if I had done things differently. Like if I had applied myself more back in high school, would I be at SFA right now? I doubt it. Not that I don't love SFA or think it's a bad school, but if I had graduated with a higher class rank I could be at a different school right now blogging about something entirely different and have a completely different group of friends. I can't imagine what life would be like without some of the people I know now. I also wonder if I had gotten better grades last semester and during high school and could actually save money if my parents would be proud of me. I know they say they are always proud of me, but I just feel like a disappointment sometimes. I don't mean to sound like a pity party, but no one reads this anyways so I just need to let out my emotions sometimes. Also, I wish certain people would realize how great they truly are. It's not like they have a case of low self-esteem, it's just....it seems like they don't think they are as awesome as they really are compared to others if that makes any sense at all? I just hate to see people I care about feel that way. I miss times with Diane that were so simple when we could just go to the mall and drink starbucks everyday and buy new shoes. i was just thinking about when we all went to go see The Fray the summer before college and makes me miss all that.
i can't wait for thanksgiving break to just relax and not have to worry about any of this.
Friday, November 21, 2008
You Found Me
So saw Twilight at midnight last night with Stevie and Brandon!!! It was pretty good, the beginning was a tad cheesy and funny, although I don't think it was supposed to be intentionally funny, but the second half was really good. They stayed true to the book for the most part, but it's understandable that they changed some things up in order to market it better.
You know, sometimes I don't understand why people are so down on themselves. And it's not like self-esteem down, it's like....the feeling of being unworthy or something like that. It makes me sad that certain people don't realize how great they really are.
This entry is going to be kind of random....I just have a lot of thoughts in my brain and I am going to type them out.
I love how music can just really hit you a certain way depending on what is going on in your life. It feels like I've really grown up in so many ways this semester. I realized a lot of things about myself, and what direction I want my life to go in and what standards I have for myself. I've realized what I want and what I don't want. I've also realized a lot about other people. But that is what college is all about. Last year I just had a bunch of fun and didn't really have to deal with anything too serious. But now I am really learning things about myself and figuring out who I really am.
I cannot wait to go home for Thanksgiving in a few days. Going home just once this semester has not been good. This is the first time in 19 years where I am actually excited about Thanksgiving. Usually it is my least favorite holiday because I just want to get to Christmas, but I really truly feel so thankful for everything and everyone that I have and cannot wait to celebrate. I can't wait to be back in Dallas and see all my family. It's going to be so great. Look next week for my special Thanksgiving post and what I'm thankful for, even though nobody but Jordan reads this anymore. haha. But that's cool, I can basically write whatever I want in here since I tell her everything anyways. lol.
So I'm not looking forward to waking up early tomorrow for the Sonic Carhop. Those two hours better go by fast.
You know, sometimes I don't understand why people are so down on themselves. And it's not like self-esteem down, it's like....the feeling of being unworthy or something like that. It makes me sad that certain people don't realize how great they really are.
This entry is going to be kind of random....I just have a lot of thoughts in my brain and I am going to type them out.
I love how music can just really hit you a certain way depending on what is going on in your life. It feels like I've really grown up in so many ways this semester. I realized a lot of things about myself, and what direction I want my life to go in and what standards I have for myself. I've realized what I want and what I don't want. I've also realized a lot about other people. But that is what college is all about. Last year I just had a bunch of fun and didn't really have to deal with anything too serious. But now I am really learning things about myself and figuring out who I really am.
I cannot wait to go home for Thanksgiving in a few days. Going home just once this semester has not been good. This is the first time in 19 years where I am actually excited about Thanksgiving. Usually it is my least favorite holiday because I just want to get to Christmas, but I really truly feel so thankful for everything and everyone that I have and cannot wait to celebrate. I can't wait to be back in Dallas and see all my family. It's going to be so great. Look next week for my special Thanksgiving post and what I'm thankful for, even though nobody but Jordan reads this anymore. haha. But that's cool, I can basically write whatever I want in here since I tell her everything anyways. lol.
So I'm not looking forward to waking up early tomorrow for the Sonic Carhop. Those two hours better go by fast.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So this week has been very good. Today woke up at 10:30 and then went to Advertising. Found out we *might* not have to take our final, but it just depends on the test grades on Monday. Then went and had wraps with Brandon, then went back to my room and just watched television and listened to music before I went to work at 4:00. I finished up there around 7:00, and then hung with Brandon until me him and Jordan went to the cemetery so I could take some nighttime photography. We also stopped at downtown Nac, and I got some cool shots. Hopefully I get a good grade on this project.
So in 24 hours guess where I will be?! WATCHING TWILIGHT!!!! I CANNOT WAIT! It's going to be epic!!!!!!
Cause When You're Fifteen...
So this week has been really good so far. Today after I wrote the previous blog entry I went to digital photography and talked about our next assignment, which is Night Photography. So me and Jordan and Brandon are going to the cemetery tomorrow night so I can take pictures. I am so super excited, it's going to be a cool adventure! Then we did a mini little website thing of our pictures...here's the link to mine. Nothing much but I feel like posting it. haha.
Then I went to Copy Editing and found out I actually did well on the test/quiz from last week, and I am pretty sure I got an A on the style quiz we took today. And I actually answered stuff correctly in class, which usually never happens cause I hate that class. I usually just act like a smartass which is out of character for me, but he just makes it so hard because Dr. Mayer is an interesting little man. Then went to Cinema, and we watched I Am A Fugitive On A Chain Gang, and it was really good. Then we took a quiz and it was really really easy. If the final is like that I will be one happy woman. Then me and Jordan got some dinner, then I went to a social at Marble Slab and got sweet cream in a chocolate dipped waffle cone. Then I met up with Brandon and we went to Young Dems, and it was a really long meeting. And it was only a few of us, so it was alright actually but just real long. Then we walked to Mickey D's since Brandon was hungry, then hung in my room. And then Jordan came down and we recorded some videos, but youtube is being a little bitch so they won't show up. We will soon be famous youtube stars though. You just wait and see.
Then I went to Copy Editing and found out I actually did well on the test/quiz from last week, and I am pretty sure I got an A on the style quiz we took today. And I actually answered stuff correctly in class, which usually never happens cause I hate that class. I usually just act like a smartass which is out of character for me, but he just makes it so hard because Dr. Mayer is an interesting little man. Then went to Cinema, and we watched I Am A Fugitive On A Chain Gang, and it was really good. Then we took a quiz and it was really really easy. If the final is like that I will be one happy woman. Then me and Jordan got some dinner, then I went to a social at Marble Slab and got sweet cream in a chocolate dipped waffle cone. Then I met up with Brandon and we went to Young Dems, and it was a really long meeting. And it was only a few of us, so it was alright actually but just real long. Then we walked to Mickey D's since Brandon was hungry, then hung in my room. And then Jordan came down and we recorded some videos, but youtube is being a little bitch so they won't show up. We will soon be famous youtube stars though. You just wait and see.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Are We Human, Or Are We Dancers
So there are these real addicting videos on youtube that Jordan showed me and now I am totally addicted to watching them and laughing really hard. That is why I didn't go to bed until 3 a.m. and overslept for my first class and am sitting in the UC blogging.
There's a bunch of tours going on in here. The kids look really young. I wonder if it's because I'm just getting older or if because they really are young haha it's probably a combination of both.
I really don't want to go to classes today. And I have to go to all three. Ohhh well.
There's a bunch of tours going on in here. The kids look really young. I wonder if it's because I'm just getting older or if because they really are young haha it's probably a combination of both.
I really don't want to go to classes today. And I have to go to all three. Ohhh well.
We're All Yellow
So today was a really really good day. I went to bed last night at midnight. That is a record for earliness haha. Then I woke up at 9:30, got ready for the day and went up to Starbucks to get a peppermint hot chocolate and went to go change my second major to Photography. So I am now a Journalism/Photography major officially. Then I went to chill on my Mac until my Advertising class. Then found out we did awesome on our project in Advertising so that will majorly bring up my grade. Then I went to Pecan Park with Kevin and Jordan and had pizza and played at the park. It was fun times. Then we went to class to find out it was cancelled so we hung in the UC til my meeting at four. Then me and Jordan and Brandon had dindin at Stacey's and then went to the Wal. Then watched Heroes even though it really sucks. For the most part it was a good day except for a few details that will hopefully be done with by tomorrow. :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
So Long, So Long
So I am officially a member of Gamma Kappa Omega now. Had induction over the weekend. Didn't really do anything else besides sorority stuff all weekend though. I need to get through this week and need the weekend to be here. I have two tests, two projects, and a photography assignment due this week and I've barely done any work for any of it. I am especially worried about how the photography assignment is going to turn out because it deals a lot with Photoshop. We'll see.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Those Flashin' Lights Come From Everywhere
I am so glad this week is over. I just have to get through next week and then the semester will be almost over, thank God. So today I skipped Rock History (what a surprise) and slept in until about 10:15, which i needed because I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. last night. Not the best decision. I was on my way to Digital Photography for my Photoshop test, which I thought would be totally easy because we had a practice test on Tuesday and could use notes and everything. I see Jerrett walking out and he tells me it's wayyyyy more hardcore than the practice one we had, so I'm like well dang itttt. So yeah, I'm pretty sure I probably failed that hooker of a test. Anyways, then I went to Copy Editing and was happy because I got a 90 on my Style Quiz. I freaking pwned at school this week. Very happy. So I rewarded myself by skipping History of Cinema today. Me and Jordan and Stevie and Jared all had a late lunch and then I went back to the room and just cleaned and played around on the computer. Then later Court and I went to dinner and had a plentiful meal! And we got togo things and took back a million cookies and desserts for the room later. Then later I went out with my sisters for a picture scavenger hunt. it was really fun except for an encounter with a person who shall remain unnamed. Then I came back to the room and hung out with my roomie and brandon for a little bit. Now i'm just chillin like a villain. Probably about to knock out some applications for internships. I'm going to try and apply for like 10 or 15 and hopefully get something out of that. If I don't, i'll know I'm an epic failure at life. Fingers crossed hookers.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oh how I love Mick Jagger
Mmk, it's time for the real blog of the day, since the last post was just me overloaded on caffeine. haha. Anyways. Today was a good day. But then again, everyday for the next eight years will be a good day no matter what happens! So I woke up and Jordan and I went to get advised, and I'm annoyed because I can't have "photojournalism" as my minor. It has to be photography in the Art Department which sucks because i'll have to take "art" classes. But whatever. I'll just deal with it.
Then I went to Advertising and found out we got a 95 on our presentation which definitely helps me cause I need to get my grade up in that class. Shooting for a B in there, A's in Interpersonal and Rock and Roll, and hopefully B's in Cinema and Copy Editing and hopefully an A in Digital Photography. So that would bring my GPA to about a 3.2 or so and that would make the parental units happy. Hopefully. Even if I had a 4.0 I'm sure they could find something to complain about. Anyways, then me and Jordan and Brandon had yummy wraps for lunch. Then went to work and had fun times in the office tonight. Hopefully most of the editors will stay the same next semester except for the two that are graduating in December.
Then I went with my Big for "Big/Little Games Night." Played with water balloons and M&Ms in the mouth and Scattergories. Then went to the UC and "studied" with jordan and brandon for awhile. Then Stevie joined us and we all went to Taco Bell at like midnight cause we were real hungry. It was a good fourth meal. and now i am wide awake at 1:15 a.m. I am not going to my 9:30 class tomorrow though since he posts the notes online and doesn't take roll. It's all good. I have a Photoshop test in Photography tomorrow so I'll get done early and then be able to actually eat lunch. Then Copy Editing and Cinema, and then it's the weekend!!! Woot. I"m excited to be getting initiated this weekend! And on Monday I will get to wear my new stichhhhh. So happy.
Then I went to Advertising and found out we got a 95 on our presentation which definitely helps me cause I need to get my grade up in that class. Shooting for a B in there, A's in Interpersonal and Rock and Roll, and hopefully B's in Cinema and Copy Editing and hopefully an A in Digital Photography. So that would bring my GPA to about a 3.2 or so and that would make the parental units happy. Hopefully. Even if I had a 4.0 I'm sure they could find something to complain about. Anyways, then me and Jordan and Brandon had yummy wraps for lunch. Then went to work and had fun times in the office tonight. Hopefully most of the editors will stay the same next semester except for the two that are graduating in December.
Then I went with my Big for "Big/Little Games Night." Played with water balloons and M&Ms in the mouth and Scattergories. Then went to the UC and "studied" with jordan and brandon for awhile. Then Stevie joined us and we all went to Taco Bell at like midnight cause we were real hungry. It was a good fourth meal. and now i am wide awake at 1:15 a.m. I am not going to my 9:30 class tomorrow though since he posts the notes online and doesn't take roll. It's all good. I have a Photoshop test in Photography tomorrow so I'll get done early and then be able to actually eat lunch. Then Copy Editing and Cinema, and then it's the weekend!!! Woot. I"m excited to be getting initiated this weekend! And on Monday I will get to wear my new stichhhhh. So happy.
I Love Drunk People at Taco Bell at midnight
So apparantly everyone really is getting married!!!!!!! Just found out my ex is engaged. Goodness. That means that everyone in my group of friends at my first job is either engaged or married already. Except me. haha. Wow wow wow.
p.s. i loves me some late night taco bell runs with the best franssss. :]
p.s. i loves me some late night taco bell runs with the best franssss. :]
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes We Did!!!!
Barack Obama was just elected to be the 44th president. This is epic. This is one of the defining moments of my young life. I am so proud of America!!! YES WE DID!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
It is officially November 4, 2008. The most important day in my young life. The day that Barack Obama will become the next president of the United States. I am so nervous and excited. I plan on staying up until we find out who won later tonight. I will pull an all-nighter if need be! I don't know what I will do if he doesn't win. I know all my faith in politics will be even further lost. There would be no point in being involved in politics anymore if that happens. But hopefully I won't have to dabble in thoughts like those much longer. Here's to change.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Getting Old
So I just found out another one of my friends from high school is getting married. It makes me feel like I'm getting old. Which I really am. I finally feel like I'm growing up. I'm going to be out of college in a year and half from now if everything goes the way I have it planned. I have a bunch of friends that are planning on getting married soon and that are already engaged. Which is awesome if that is what they want. But even though I am in a great relationship, I don't see myself getting married after or while I am in college. Is that a bad thing? No, I don't think so. Not for me anyways. Even though I'm getting older I don't feel like I should be getting married anytime soon. Back in high school I remember I wanted to go out and travel the world before I settled down. I'm only 19 years old and I know I am not mature enough to make a big life decision like that even though I am in a happy relationship. I know the time will eventually get here when I am ready for it, but for now I need to concentrate on getting a good job when I graduate and getting on my own two feet. I just want my parents and everyone to really see that I can get by on my own. It's going to feel so good in a couple years when I can buy my own car and apartment all by myself. I just want to be successful at whatever it is that is meant for me in life.
Do you ever have those days where you want to run away and lie in a field and just do nothing but eat marshmallows and sing happy songs and forget about everything? Well I'm having one of those days right now, at 2:30 a.m. on a Monday morning. I just wish things could be easy and everything would fall into place. I am having extreme insomnia right now because I can't stop thinking about things and life. I'm nervous about finding a good internship for next summer. Originally I was going to apply for internships at some of the major dailies around Texas, but since the newspaper industry is going down the toilet, I really don't see the point of interning at a place I know I won't be able to get a job with after I graduate. So now my goal is to apply for internships at magazines. All the places I"m applying to are in NYC and they seem super hard to get into. It would be such a great opportunity to be able to intern in New York next summer, and I wish that I had a chance. I'm just an average college girl from Texas. But it's all dumb luck anyway, so maybe I will get lucky.
The election is on Tuesday. Tomorrow. In less than 48 hours we will know who the next president is going to be. The polls are showing Obama in the lead, but it's still really scary to think he might not win. I will be so depressed if Obama does not win. Back in 2004 I was upset when Bush got reelected, but this will be on an entirely different scale of depression. Let's all hope Barack can pull through.
I really need to get my sleep schedule back on track. I guess daylight savings time kind of messed me up, but you would think I would be tired by nearly 3 a.m. I don't really feel too well either. Hopefully it's just allergies and will go away after I take some meds. I hope blogging cleared my mind a little bit so I can go to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow including a presentation in advertising, and a test in interpersonal communication. And I need to do well in both because I need to get my G.P.A. up.
The election is on Tuesday. Tomorrow. In less than 48 hours we will know who the next president is going to be. The polls are showing Obama in the lead, but it's still really scary to think he might not win. I will be so depressed if Obama does not win. Back in 2004 I was upset when Bush got reelected, but this will be on an entirely different scale of depression. Let's all hope Barack can pull through.
I really need to get my sleep schedule back on track. I guess daylight savings time kind of messed me up, but you would think I would be tired by nearly 3 a.m. I don't really feel too well either. Hopefully it's just allergies and will go away after I take some meds. I hope blogging cleared my mind a little bit so I can go to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow including a presentation in advertising, and a test in interpersonal communication. And I need to do well in both because I need to get my G.P.A. up.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I Believe In A Thing Called Love
So it's 3:30 a.m. (well, technially 2:30 because daylight savings time just occured) and I am wide awake. Today was an interesting day. Woke up at noon and then went to have brunch with Brandon a little bit after that. Ran into Stephanie so we ate with her and just chewed the fat for awhile. Then we're walking back to my room, and I pull out my key and it is literally bent in half! I don't know what happened, but we couldn't get it to bend back into place. So I had to talk to the front desk and thank god they gave me a new key without charging me. It was crazy haha. We basically just hung out in my room all day except for an excursion to Taco Bueno for dinner. By like 9 or 10 we started feeling really blah and I was really homesick, so I needed to get out and do something. We decided to walk around and maybe go get some food, and we're walking down the street and happen to see Stevie and Jared driving and it turns out they were super bored too. So we all get into Stevie's car and decided to go to Walmart at 11 o'clock at night. Got to jam out to The Darkness and Cheap Trick, so what could be better? Fun times. At Walmart they already were playing Christmas music and had all the Christmas candy out and it was only November 1st! But that's OK with me because I love love love Christmas! Now I'm just sitting here. Probably should go to bed because that's what people do around this time of night. We'll see.
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